Why is the value of Human Energy (mental and physical) left up to subjective economic measures?
A price can be put on anything, and values fluctuate constantly and subjectively. Why is the value of Human Energy (mental and physical), on which all economies depend, not fixed to things of real and constant necessity to us all? The price for Human Energy fluctuates; country to country, person to person. This has been the norm for thousands of years. And this norm has been the source of most of the hardships Humans suffered in the past and suffer presently.
Starting with slavery and continuing to our modern "minimum wage", Humanity has been conned by Subjective Economic Valuation, (the Worldwide economic belief system, with more believers than most popular religions.) Dignified Human survival and preservation of the natural living world and resources are not protected, they are brokered. The cruel hoax of "survival of the fittest" has been used to brainwash society since Darwin. (He did not intend this emphasis in his works. He observed, "survival through cooperation".) Our modern meme is, "those who don't make it economically, don't deserve to live." Today we are beginning to understand that evolution is much more complex than "survival of the fittest" and that it begins at a cellular/chemical level. And we understand the most important part of being alive is not, "making a living" within our World Economics.
By not equating Human Energy efforts (physical and mental) within society to the realities of survival; food, shelter, education and healthcare, our World Economic System is literally throwing us to the lions. To quote Richard Nixon, "We don't need a minimum wage, we need a living wage." And, we assert that a real "living wage" should be guaranteed basic human needs, from birth to death, made possible with Energy Currency.
Human Energy and Natural Energy are essential forces and resources that need to be protected and not sold to the highest or lowest bidder. These are building blocks from which everything else is extrapolated, and this includes economics. By not linking the value of Human Energy to the realities that guarantee dignified survival, we are told our lives are not valuable. Your value can be estimated any which way. For example, what if a crazy person asks, "How much will you pay me - to not shoot you?" Or, "How little are you willing to work for, in order to get or keep this job?" Both these questions put your life on the line. And what lack of compassion and life understanding made these questions possible
Is pitting person against person, state against state, country against country and religion against religion sustainable economics? Doesn't this create economic and social inequality and in turn cause negative and destructive societal tendencies? If a person is starving they might steal or sell illegal and protected items for money. If people have to leave their country (for various reasons like war, terrorism, scarcity and racism, all symptoms that are traceable to present economic practices), they may immigrate from their home countries and inadvertently create tensions where they go
Every person must have, from birth to death, the essential survival needs, food, shelter, education and healthcare, as a birthright. Without the healthy, educated participation of people Worldwide our World Economic System is destroying Humanity and Earth's Natural resources through opportunistic pricing
Can the fluctuating price on our heads be removed? Yes. A parallel currency that we call Energy Currency can secure Human Energy value to Human survival needs. This currency compliments, does not eliminate, existing for profit currencies. They will continue to serve society in important ways in the World market. But, once Energy Currency reaches a bank it will be destroyed, creating no inflation and no investment opportunity, and having provided all the basic needs for humanity, food, shelter, education and healthcare, bidding all people, Worldwide, to 'fare well'
You can be part of this change by simply talking with your friends and acquaintances about the possibility of Energy Currency and what it would mean for us all.
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