When discussing our Energy Currency, we often hear many questions.
Here are some answers and responses to these common questions.
We already run systems that provide basic needs in exchange for service/labor. For instance, our Military does this. A person who joins the Military Economic System, signs a contract and in return receives, food, shelter, education and healthcare, basic human needs. If you prove yourself to be more valuable through your education/skills and leadership qualities, you are promoted and receive extra money and privileges.
Energy Currency Economics does not require a contract that controls individual behavior, and you ‘join’ by being born.
The World social agreement would be that food, shelter, education and healthcare be provided to every living person as a birth right. With this guarantee every person has a chance to develop to their full potential. They can interact with the parallel “for profit” economics system if they choose, how much they choose and when they choose. It will still serve the purposes it was designed for; to foster competition, wealth accumulation and investment, but the practice of these activities won’t be deadly to fellow humans and to Nature.
Businesses and organizations and professionals that are involved in basic needs creation, distribution and activities (like food production, providing shelter, teaching, healthcare, etc) will be reimbursed with an established value of what they provide. Excessive profit cannot be made with Energy Currency and it cannot be invested or gamed. Some distribution of basic needs can be done through Federal contracts, some through organizations like hospitals and universities. We don’t need to tax the wealthy and corporations in order to balance the economy and provide basic needs. The value of the basic needs are a form of tax when profit cannot be made from them and it is provided through a separate currency stream.
Artificial, temporary stimulations of the economy through cash distributions to individuals and dumping money from the Federal Reserve, will not save the economy. It will give an appearance of recovery but it is only a charade. Like giving a stimulant to a dying person, when it wears off, the person is still dying
We don’t have to inflate the economy in order to save it! We don’t need to kill people and destroy Nature in order to have an economy!
Humanity has been made slaves to the profit makers. The only way this can continue is if human survival depends on money. There would be individual responsibility in the form of a work requirement when a person is of a certain age and state of health. Each person would contribute a minimum (to be determined) of maybe two hours a day or 10 hours a week of work effort. This would also require that the definition of work be expanded to include child rearing, elder care, home economics, and the many individual contributions to the common good that go unrewarded. All this would evolve over time. We are a diverse humanity but we are not different races. There is no such thing as “racial science”. We are genetically the same. Our needs are the same. ( see definition of HREM , Human Renewable Energy Measure).
Humanity is at a point of choice. We cannot leave this choice to our representatives in government (politics is a one dimensional pursuit – it cannot decipher or direct best practices) or the fluctuating “state of the economy and GDP”, (which is totally corrupted because of the world economic system.) We need to influence our representatives to advocate an Energy Currency system. This must be asserted before it becomes possible. And nothing seems possible until it is possible. (In fact this has been done before, Lincoln used “emergency currency” for the Civil War.) This is our choice and our task.
Susan Caumont November 5, 2021
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